Supplying of Miscanthus Giganteus rhizomes

We supply our customers with fresh and healthy rhizomes (seedlings) of Miscanthus Giganteus of at least 8-10 cm in length, Our rhizomes have at least 4-6 buds. They are prepared directly before delivery.
Photo of 3-rd year rhizomes
Quality of our rhizomes are provide by:
– good origin (from Austria),
– optimal climate conditions and quality of soil at nursery plantation.
– propagated from 2-3 years plantations,
Our rhizomes are cutted and sorted manually, thus providing our customers with planting material of sustainable quality.
Energo Agrar has registered Verum sort of Miscathus Giganteus. Patent of sort and Certificate of registration are required in Ukraine to sell rhizomes and biomass legally.